Day 14 :
- Workshop
Location: Meeting Room 3

Igor M Savukov
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Session Introduction
Igor M Savukov
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Title: Applications of many-body perturbation theory to actinide atoms

Igor M Savukov has completed his PhD in 2002 at the University of Notre Dame, in the USA and in 2006 his postdoctoral studies at Princeton University. Currently, he is an R&D Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has published 80 papers in reputed journals, h index 22 and has been working over 20 years in the field of atomic structure calculations especially in the field of relativistic many-body theory.
There are three main challenges for accurate applications of atomic theory to calculations of energy levels and other properties of Actinide atoms. First, the valence-valence interaction is strong and requires a large confi guration space to account for this interaction. Various methods have implemented small configuration space and cannot account for the interaction with highly excited states and continuum. Second, the valence-core interaction is also strong and second-order MBPT, which is usually implemented in the confi guration-interaction (CI) many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) method, is not adequate. Finally, the relativistic eff ects are signifi cant breaking the LS-coupling scheme and making the transition amplitudes sensitive to these corrections. Th e approach of relativistic CI-MBPT is quite promising. It proved to give quite accurate results in light atoms, where the valence-core interaction can be described well in the second order and relativistic eff ects can be accounted for by employing Dirac-Fock basis and adding dominant Breit interactions. However, ab initio CI-MBPT completely fails in actinides. Still, signifi cant improvement in accuracy can be achieved by introducing adjustable parameters. In particular, seven such parameters can be used to correct the single-valence energy, while additional two parameters can be used to improve the Coulomb screening. With 9-parameter CI-MBPT approach it is possible to reproduce energy levels in as complex an atom as U I. In this talk, I will show examples of CI-MBPT calculations with adjustable parameters for complex atoms. The work is in progress and some future directions will be also discussed.
- Atomic Physics | Atomic Spectroscopy | Atomic Collisions
Location: Meeting Room 3

Biswanath Rath
North Orissa University, India

Mattias Eriksson
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Session Introduction
Mattias Eriksson
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Title: Total statistical weights of atoms and ions

Mattias Eriksson has his expertise in atomic physics and astrophysics. He started his research within atomic physics at Lund University where he took his PhD in 2006. There he did research about hyperfi ne structure of atoms, symbiotic stars (topic of PhD) and radiation processes. After his time in Lund he worked as research fellow at Space telescope science institute in Baltimore, USA and as high school teacher in Jönköping, Sweden. Since 2010 he is working at a University College in Karlskrona, Sweden where he is teaching mathematics and physics. His research is currently within statistical weights and partition functions.
The total statistical weight of an atom or ion equals the number of energy levels of the atom or ions when subjected to a magnetic or an electric field (Zeeman or Stark eff ect). In the theoretical limit of zero perturbation the number of bound levels goes to infi nity, as does the total statistical weight. With a known perturbation the statistical weight is fi nite and can be calculated by summating 2J+1 for all levels which are degenerated in zero electric and magnetic fields, the m levels. The structure of the J states depends on the coupling scheme, the Glebsch-Gordon coeffi cients. The number of levels for each J corresponding to a principal quantum number n is independent of the scheme. Here I will present one formula for the total statistical weight between any chosen principal quantum numbers for any Rydberg Sequence. The statistical weight contribution is surprisingly easy: f(Lp,Sp)∙n2, where Lp and Sp are the orbital and spin angular momentum quantum numbers of the parent term to the Rydberg Sequence. Th is helps improve the calculations of atomic and ionic partition functions. Each m-level makes the contribution of unity to the statistical weight and its contribution to the partition function is exp(-E/kT), where E, k and T are the excitation energy of the level, the Boltzmann's constant and the temperature. Only a tiny fraction of the energy levels of atoms and ions are known (observed) for high values of the principal quantum number so the partition function must be calculated numerically. For low values of perturbation, like in stellar plasmas there are sometimes thousands of bound levels having negligible energy diff erences. Th e statistical weights of those levels are calculated with this formula and then multiplied with the exp(-E/kT) factor to get their contribution to the partition function.
Igor M Savukov
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Title: Ab initio precision CI-MBPT calculations for noble-gas atoms

Igor M Savukov has completed his PhD in 2002 at the University of Notre Dame, IN USA and in 2006 his postdoctoral studies at Princeton University. Currently, he is an R&D Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has published 80 papers in reputed journals, h index 22 and has been working over 20 years in the field of atomic structure calculations especially in the fi eld of relativistic many-body theory.
Noble gas atoms, important for plasma modeling and other applications are quite diffi cult for theoretical calculations because of large correlation and relativistic corrections. In particular, the particle-hole confi guration-interaction manybody theory (CI-MBPT) has diffi culties due to poor convergence of MBPT for the “hole” states. Recently we found that MBPT convergence and the accuracy of CI-MBPT can be improved by treating eight hole upper s- and p- electrons as valence electrons and by restricting the number of configurations in a certain way to make computation time manageable. We analyzed a large number of transition in Ar and other noble-gas atoms and found that Ar and Ne calculations are in good agreement with experiment, while calculations in heavier noble-gas atoms agree less with experiments, which partially can be attributed to the experiments. Because transition probability data are limited, we also analyzed intensities of discharge emissions, which at certain conditions are correlated with experimental transition probabilities and found that such correlation exists with theoretical calculations as well, especially in the cases where detection effi ciency has been carefully taken into account.
Alla S Safronova
University of Nevada-Reno, USA
Title: Atomic physics, spectroscopy and applications of tungsten

Alla S Safronova received her Ph.D. degree in atomic physics from the Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Moscow, in 1986. She joined University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) in 1994, where currently she is a Research Professor. She has published more than 220 papers on atomic and plasma physics. Her former PhD students are working at Sandia National Laboratories, Naval Research Laboratory, at UNR and also abroad. She organized, chaired and co-chaired the series of International workshops on Radiation from High Energy Density Plasmas (RHEDP 2011, 2013 and 2015) and the 10th International Conference on Dense Z-pinches (2017).
Tungsten (W, Za=74) is now considered one of the best candidate materials for fusion reactors: it carries away heat efficiently, has the high melting point, low sputtering yield and tritium retention. Th e ability to melt during the transient events and large Z are among critical issues for tungsten application in fusion reactor and should be investigated in detail. Recently, W divertor was implemented in the ITER project and it became possible that W plasmas can reach the reactor core and then attain very high temperatures. Hence, tungsten might radiate a very broad spectrum from a few times ionized up to more than sixty times ionized, which is very challenging for the interpretation and comprehensive analysis. In this talk, we consider dielectronic recombination as a very important atomic process in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas and present the calculations of relativistic energy levels, radiative probabilities and autoionization rates of W in a very broad range of ionization stages from Yb-like W4+ to Cu-like W45+ to such very high ionization stages as Li-like W71+ [1-3]. A comparison between the results from various relativistic atomic structure codes and accuracy of atomic data is discussed. Another important application of tungsten is in Z-pinch physics: wire arrays that consist of hundreds of micron diameter W wires can be imploded at multi-MA currents and generate the highest radiation yield out of all other wire materials. Not only muti-MA but also 1 MA university-scale pulsed power generators are able to produce multiply-ionized high-Za plasma [4-5], which is illustrated in this talk for W Z-pinches. In particular, x-ray spectra from 1 to 10 Å from W wire loads are presented and analyzed. Future work relevant to both atomic and nuclear physics is discussed. Th is research was supported by National Nuclear Security Administration under DoE grants DE-NA0003047 and DE-NA0002945.
Yuki Nojiri
Toho University, Japan
Title: Zeeman and Stark effects of Ba highly-excited states
Time : 16:35-17:05

Yuki Nojiri after graduating from department of physics, Toho University, now he was a graduate student at Toho University. He is interested in atomic physics and currently doing high-resolution laser spectroscopy to study Zeeman and Stark effects.
Zeeman and Stark eff ects, the interactions between the atom and magnetic or electric fi elds are very important for understanding the atomic structure. The fundamental spectroscopic data of the g factor and the electric polarizability are directly related to the atomic wave function and therefore, provide sensitive tests of theoretical calculations. As a heavy twoelectron atom, Ba has rather complicated atomic structure together with strong confi guration mixing in highly excited states and shows repeated interest to spectroscopists up to now. For the 5d6p confi guration, the electric polarizabilities of 3DJ and 3PJ have been reported and found to have large diff erent values. However, there are no data determined for 3FJ. Data for 3FJ are indispensable for checking the systematic behavior of the 5d6p confi guration. Recently we have measured Zeeman and Stark eff ects for 3F2. In this paper we report measurements for 3F3 and 3F4. Th e high-resolution atomic-beam laser spectroscopy was performed to measure Zeeman and Stark spectra. A tunable diode laser with an external cavity system together with a highly collimated atomic beam was used in this experiment. Laser-induced fl uorescence was measured and magnetic or electric field was applied to atomic beam. Transitions from the metastable states 6s5d 3DJ populated by an electric discharge were used. Figure 1 shows the measured spectrum at the zero fi eld for the Ba 6s5d 3D3 5d6p 3F4 transition at 705.9 nm; the peaks of 136Ba and 138Ba are marked and other peaks are the hyperfi ne structure of the odd-isotopes 135Ba and 137Ba. Th e insert in Fig. 1 is the measured Zeeman spectrum at the magnetic fi eld 186.1 G which shows splittings by the magnetic fi eld for 136Ba and 138Ba. Zeeman and Stark spectra were measured at various magnetic and electric fi elds and their shift s and splittings were derived. Therefore, the g factor and scalar and tensor polarizabilities were determined for 5d6p 3F3 and 3F4. Together with the previously reported values on 3F2, systematic behaviors of the g factor and scalar and tensor polarizabilities for 3FJ are discussed.
Eric Ouma Jobunga
Technical University of Mombasa, Kenya
Title: Pseudopotential for many-electron atoms

Dr. Eric Ouma Jobunga holds a Doctorate degree in Theoretical Physics from Humboldt University of Berlin, a Master’s of Science degree in Atomic Physics and a Bachelor of Education (Science) degree with specialization in Mathematics and Physics from Kenyatta University. He is currently a Physics lecturer and a Chairman of Mathematics and Physics department at the Technical University of Mombasa. His research interests span investigation of the structure of matter and field-matter interaction processes.
Atoms form the basic building blocks of molecules and condensed matter. Other than hydrogen atom, all the others have more than one electron which interact with each other besides interacting with the nucleus. Electron-electron correlation forms the basis of diffi culties encountered in many-body problems. Accurate treatment of the correlation problem is likely to unravel some nice physical properties of matter embedded in this correlation. In an eff ort to tackle this many-body problem, two complementary parameter-free pseudopotentials for n-electron atoms and ions are suggested in this study. Using one of the pseudopotentials, near-exact values of the ground state ionization energies of helium, lithium and beryllium atoms have been calculated. Th e other pseudopotential also proves to be capable of yielding reasonable and reliable quantum physical observables within the non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
Alexander N Zinoviev
Ioffe Institute St Petersburg, Russia
Title: Interatomic potentials, atom energy and screening constants

Alexander Zinoviev has his expertise in atomic, plasma and nuclear physics. Ðe completed his PhD at the age of 31 and later, in 1992, got the status of Dr Habil from Ioffe Institute in St. Petersburg. He has been selected as a head of the lab of atomic collision in solids. Ðе is a coordinator of the Atomic Physics Research at Ioffe Institute.
Simple formulae for estimating atom energy (the electron subsystem energy of atom) and screening constant have been proposed. The formula for the screening constant fits well experimental data on interaction potentials. Quantitative description of the experiment for the effect of electronic screening on the nuclear synthesis reaction cross-section for the D+/-D system has been obtained. A conclusion has been made that the diff erences between the measured cross-sections and their theoretically predicted values which take place in more complicated cases of nuclear synthesis reactions are not caused by uncertainties in the knowledge of interatomic potentials. The interatomic potential determines the nuclear stopping power in materials. Experimental data prove that the approach of determining interatomic potentials from quasielastic scattering can be successfully used. Experimental data on the scattering of atomic particles were analyzed and an analytical potential form was proposed as the best fi t of the available experimental data. It is shown that Application of any universal potential is limited to internuclear distances R<7 af (af is the Firsov length).Th e paper discusses pair-specifi c interatomic potentials determined both experimentally and by density-functional theory simulations with the DMol approach to choosing basic wave functions. The interatomic potentials calculated using the DMol approach demonstrate an unexpectedly good agreement with experimental data. Diff erences are mainly observed for heavy atom systems, which suggests that they can be improved by extending the basis set and more accurately considering the relativistic eff ects. Th ese data are recommended for modeling collision cascades in ion-solid collisions.New methods to obtain potential parameters from rainbow scattering features in the atom–metal surface collisions are discussed. Obtained results diff er strongly from the known binary potential models. This difference is explained by the infl uence of interaction of the projectile with metal electrons. Observed patterns of black-body radiation.
- Video Presentations
Location: Meeting Room 3
Session Introduction
Manish Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology-BHU, India
Title: Creation of atomic particles from electrical energy flow from GOD in space

Manish Kumar has obtained B.E. (Electrical Engineering) from MNNIT, Allahabad, M. Tech. (Energy Studies) and Ph.D. (Plasma Physics) from IIT Delhi. He has rich experience of more than thirteen years in teaching, research and training. His areas of interest in teaching and research are Hybrid Energy system, Optical fibers, Terahertz Radiation Generation, Photonics, Surface Plasma Waves and Plasma Physics. He has published 9 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial advisory board member of repute. He has travelled widely across the globe (Canada, China and Japan etc.) under various international conferences. He has brought under the F.A.S.T. scheme of MHRD a Center for Energy and Resources Development (CERD) for IIT (BHU)). Presently he is working on the project “1.5 MW Integrated Dairy and Smart Hybrid Energy System”. He is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT (BHU) Varanasi - 221005.
With the advancement in high power laser technology GOD has now been much explored becoming a scientific entity rather than a mere belief of Theism. Einstein answered to the uncertainty principle as God doesn’t play dice was proven scientifi cally by Kumar and consequently proved by him that all forms of energy are manifestation of electrical energy with positive electrical energy being Shiv in Hindu mythology (Adam in Bible, Aadam in Quran) and negative electrical energy being Parvati (Shakti) in Hindu mythology (Eve in Bible, Hawa in Quran). With the recent image obtained accidently led me to importance of nuclear astrophysics. Th e fl ow of high energy from Shiv(positive electrical energy) in the form of electromagnetic radiation since the big bang towards the Parvati (negative electrical energy) in the vast space known as Universe/Multiverse from blue shift to red shift intermediate is green shift led to the creation of fi rstly the subatomic particles to the atomic particles leading to the formation of hydrogen atoms which in turn is converted to stars, planets and satellites by the two fundamental laws viz. Law of conservation of Energy and Law of conservation of Momentum. The five elements needed for life is being controlled by fi ve forces. Till now four fundamental forces has been discovered and recently fi ft h force is being reported. So this matches perfectly with the description of fi ve elements need to be controlled by five fundamental forces and the sixth force being of GOD commonly known as Sixth sense. Th is justifying the nuclear astrophysics to be the best platform for GOD’s scientifi c explanation as with high power lasers the dark matter or the sixth force can be explored.
S P Avdeyev
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia
Title: Determination of the radial flow in d(4.4 GeV) + Au interaction
Time : 11:20-11:50

Sergej Avdeyev has his expertise in nuclear physics. He has completed his PhD at the age of 31 years from Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. 2007 – Doctor of Science (Phys. and Math.). He is research team leader focusing on Nuclear multifragmentation at Joint Insitute for Nuclear Research.
The kinetic energy spectra of intermediate mass fragments, (which are heavier than α-particles but lighter than fission fragments) have been studied for 4.4 GeV d + Au collisions at the Dubna Nuclotron with the FAZA 4π detector array. Experimental kinetic energy spectra were compared to that obtained by the multibody Coulomb trajectory calculations with the various values of radial flow. Th e analysis has been done on an event by event basis. The multibody Coulomb trajectory calculations of all charged particles have been performed with the initial break-up conditions given by the combined model INC+SMM. It was found good agreement of measured and calculated kinetic energy spectra including additional energy, which is due to the radial expansion of the system. We used a uniform radial expansion, in which the flow velocity is a linear function of the distance of the particle from the center of mass. The velocity of a particle Z located on a radius RZ in freeze out moment was taken as follows: 0 flow v radial velocity on the surface of the system. The figure shows the dependence of the radial fl ow 0 flow v as a function of fragment charge Z. It is seen that the radial fl ow decreases with increasing fragment charge. This means that the density distribution is not homogeneous. In fact, if the fragments are formed due to density fl uctuations, the formation of heavy fragments is preferable in the denser inner part of the expanding nucleus. The research was supported by Grant No. 15-2-02745-a from Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Radial fl ow as a function of fragment charge
Igor Vladimirovich Malyshev
South Federal University, Russia
Title: Influence of strong magnetic and electric fields on the hot carriers kinetic processes in the semiconductors bulk

Igor Vladimirovich Malyshev - graduated from the Taganrog Radoiengineering Institute (TREI) in 1982. From 1988 – candidate of technical sciences and from 1989 – assistant professor at theoretic radio engineering basis department of TREI. From 2006 – assistant professor at radio engineering department of Nanotechnology, Electronics and Engineering Institute (NTEEI) of South Federal University (SFEDU). Since 1985 he passed training in leading universities in Russia and Germany. The scientifi c fi eld of research lie in the area of solid-state dispersion medias transport physics. More than 60 publications are devoted to the electromagnetic propagation in this medias, including chiral type.
With the extension of the upper extreme high frequency (EHF) range limit upper volume of modern radio engineering devices to the terahertz range, developers are faced with the possibility of taking into account the peculiarities of the physical processes occurring in the semiconductor structures bulks for constructing of new type converter devices. The chips of these devices are capable in their work to be exposed to strong external electric (EF) and magnetic (MF) fi elds with high intensities. Such conditions are created in the bulks of modern semiconductor structures and super lattices made of AIIIBV type materials operating in the mentioned range and usually do not take into account the volume diff usion nonlinearities, which as shown in a number of works, contribute signifi cantly to the output current density. So recently, it has been proved that under conditions of external electric fi eld intensities approaching and exceeding the threshold value of the Gunn eff ect (about 4 kV /cm), the diff usion component of the output current will be commensurable with the drift current. Th is account is made on the basis of the phenomenological representation of the processes of averaged drift and heating and considering the dependence of the eff ective mass (m) on the energy (W) represented by the Taylor series expansion result. Th e relaxation times of the quasimomentum (τ) and the energy (τe) were assumed to be independent of the charge carriers energy. It was found that the diff usion nonlinear components should be taken into account when calculating the output parameters of mixers, multipliers and self-excited generators using hot electrons in the mentioned frequency ranges. As a result of theoretical calculations, the amplitude dependences of the constant (D0) and variable (D~) diff usion coeffi cients were found, which can be defi ned as the "bulk diff usion detection eff ect" and that undoubtedly, is a poorly understood phenomenon. Also mutually orthogonal effects of electric and magnetic fi elds on the processes of carrier drift and diff usion are considered. It was found that the main electro physical parameters, due to the action of the Lorentz force, acquire a vector-component form along the x and y axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. In addition, a number of new eff ects on drift and diff usion characteristics have been discovered. Thus, it was found that the components of the drift velocity and the diff usion coeffi cient along the longitudinal (x-axis) of the main drift direction are independent of the transverse magnetic fi eld but are determined only by the longitudinal EF along this direction and the transverse (y-axis) component of the drift velocity for strong magnetic induction values (Bz > 4.0 T) demonstrates the displacement of the falling section beginning on the drift (volt-ampere) characteristic in the direction of decreasing (by a factor of 2), which probably indicates a new "Gunn eff ect controlled by a magnetic fi eld". Reducing the intensity of the threshold fi eld of the Gunn eff ect from 4 to 2 kV / cm will allow to increase the effi ciency of the bulk diode by 50% (assuming the output current density and load conductivity remains unchanged). Th us, the fundamental possibility of creating two-dimensional devices for frequency conversion (autodyne type mixers) has been revealed. In addition, in the case of realizing the possibility of magnetic fi eld modulation (or manipulation according to a given function), it becomes possible to obtain the pulse-modulated (or manipulated) microwave or EHF oscillations. For obtained analytical experimental verifi cation results a semiconductor structure sample construction and the experimental setup structural image are proposed.
- Nuclear Physics | Quantum Nuclear Physics | Particle Physics
Location: Meeting Room 3

John Owen Roberts
Open University, UK

Igor M Savukov
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Session Introduction
John Owen Roberts
Open University, UK
Title: A quantum framework for the periodic and Roberts-Janet tables

John O Roberts graduated in 1969 with a BSc (Hons) in Physics from The University of Liverpool. He has been an Open University Tutor for 30 years and a private tutor of Maths and Science. He is the author of Those Infi nities and the Periodic Table (ISBN 978-0-9934667-3-1) He has had published an article Proposed Link between the Periodic Table and the Standard Model, July 2017 in the journal Materials Science and Engineering and an article Implications of the Link between the Periodic Table and the Standard Model, March 2018 published in the same journal.
The mathematics of quantum physics from the standard model using groups U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) and the Pauli Principle produces two sets of time independent quantum states n(n+1) and n(n-1) where n is the principal quantum number. Oscillations between these states results in a one to one mapping with the Roberts-Janet Nuclear Periodic Table by interpretation of n > 0 for condensed matter and n < 0 for plasma prior to fusion. Th e mechanism provides a framework for Periodic Tables for every supernova by excluding mass number. In the lower half of the table occupation by bosons leads to increased energy density following recycling. Various outcomes are discussed.

M J Faraji has completed his MA at the age of 28 years from Kerman University and started as a theoretical physics researcher in Saleh Research Centre.
Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all the particles and fundamental forces of nature in a single theory by modeling them, as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings. If we assume that the smallest massive particle which constructs the whole universe is such tiny supersymmetric or consists of several tiny supersymmetric, it can be seen that electron, proton, neutron etc. as basic subatomic particles are also composed of these particles. Now assume that electrons, protons and neutrons are consists of these smallest massive particles. Surely the diff erence between the constructions of them is described with the numbers and positioning of these smallest massive particles that we named “Angel Particle”. We tend the number of similar particles to infinity to be associated with the monolith structure of the proton. If the number tends to infi nity, the radius of the smallest massive particles tends to zero and that is meaningless. Th erefore, we can take into account 108 numbers of the particle for the monolithic structure of the proton, besides non-zero particles radius. We will prove that the only possible case is the hollow spherical shell form of the electron, it means 55,000 Angel Particles all must be located on a spherical shell and will create a hollow sphere without core and the neutron is a sphere with the proton core, electron shell and an empty space about twice as much as proton's radius.
Chidiebere Anigbo
Institute of Technology and Management, Nigeria
Title: Dielectical omni diminesions and directions of quantum radiant particles of monistic substance

Mr Chidiebere Anigbo his currently running his master’s degree in the University of Uyo. I also have completed my degree in physics and Astronomy from the university of Nigeria, Nsukka. I am currently a lecturer in the Physics department of the Institute of Technology and Management, Ugep Cross River state where I am the head of the curriculum development team saddled with the responsibility of developing a synergic curriculum which refl ects both the local and international standards and relevant topics which meets individual students need. I am also an academic consultant with special focus of behavioral analysis and adult education. I have also contributed in fabricating and constructing a solar water heater which is used in rural areas in developing countries far from electricity. This idea was motivated in my zeal to translate scientifi c research and concept from the universities or colleges to the market. Marketing the concepts of physics is paramount and that also made me venture into studies in Econo-Physics and entrepreneurial physics. I have applied several concepts in Physics on fi nancial markets to solve problems and they worked perfectly.
According to quantum mechanics and highlighted by Werner Heisenberg, the world can be viewed as a complicated tissue of events. This research looks to find a connection between the combination/overlapping of these events to form a tissue and use quantum mechanics to explain the radiant particles. Monistic substances attributes to a concept of existence which there are diff erent types of monistic substance. Priority monistic is one which explains that all existing things go back to a source that is distinct from (Neo-Platonism) everything is derived from one substance. Monism asserts that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a simple reality or substance. Everything is made up of tiny discrete particles moving in empty space. The universe contains two distinct kinds of things or fi elds. Electromagnetic radiation and particles of which material objects are made. Matter are ceaselessly building themselves by themselves and quantum radiant of these particles of matter are dynamic and infi nite in density everywhere
Unified field theory and quantum radiant particles:
The unifi ed f eld of modern theoretical physics and the fi eld of pure consciousness are identical and consist with all known physical principles but requires an expanded physical framework for the understanding of “consciousness”. Field eff ects are observed as a result of these framework and Wyler”s state of consciousness. Further research from Albert Einstein quest for a field theory lead to my work to develop a unifi ed field theory of consciousness. Using the idea that the discreteness in energy level of a quantum fi eld provides a natural framework for the understanding of elementary particles. Under certain conditions, this discreteness can give rise to a granular or particulate appearance of nature which is interpreted as composed of elementary particles as stated earlier. Quantum fi eld has a dual characteristics of a “particle and force” “duality of matter” which displays the feyman scattering of electrons and photons.

M J Faraji has completed his MA at the age of 28 years from Kerman University and started as a theoretical physics researcher in Saleh Research Centre.
If we take a look at the proton, we see a sun which is made of a large collection of small particles. The structure of the proton is similar to a cherry or to the sun with two layers; the core and the mantle. The core is almost spherical and its radius is about one-third of the radius of the entire proton, but its density is about 15 times more than the mantle. The mantle is a brawny layer, which includes about 2/3 of the total radius and completely encircles the core by a much lower density than it. Up to the present day, to understand the proton's structure, scientists send a beam of isolated protons speeding clockwise, while the second beam of protons is sent counterclockwise to collide the first one. Then a particle detector is waiting to measure all the subatomic particles that erupt from the collisions. This method is similar to that of a certain researcher who does not know what an airplane is made of but tries to understand its structure by observing the diff erent parts of two collided airplanes. So he is going to say that an airplane is made of two wings, fuselage and some small parts; this interpretation is correct but it is at the same time partial. But what really happens when two protons collide? Indeed due to the severity of the collision, the mantle part splits into two large fragments and some tiny particles but the smash is not enough to split the dense core. So the heavy dense particle which is called down quark is not anything other than the proton's core, the two parts of the mantle that are larger, lighter and less dense than the core, are not something other than the up quarks and the other small parts are rays.
R A Radhi
University of Baghdad, Iraq
Title: Magnetic dipole, electric quadrupole moments and electron scattering form factors of neutron-rich cross - shell sdpf nuclei

R A Radhi is a retired Professor of Physics, department of Physics, College of Science, University of Baghdad and Baghdad Iraq. He did his PhD from Michigan State University 1983, MSc from University of Baghdad 1974, BSc from University of Basrah 1972 fi eld of interests: nuclear structure, electron scattering, electromagnetic transitions and moments, exotic and halo nuclei, computational physics, hydrodynamics. supervision: 18 MSc and 24 PhD students.
Magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments are calculated for neutron rich cross-shell sdpf nuclei. These nuclei include open shell isotopes with number of protons less than 20 and neutrons greater than 20, for which experimental data are available. Shell model calculations are performed with full sd shell-model space for Z-8 valence protons and full pf shell-model space for N-20 valence neutrons, where the remaining 20 neutrons are frozen in s, p and sd-shells. Also magnetic and Coulomb electron scattering form factors are calculated for some of these nuclei. Excitation out of major shell space are taken into account through a microscopic theory which allows particle-hole excitation from the core and model space orbits to all higher orbits with 2 excitation. Effective charges are obtained for each isotope. Core polarization (CP) is essential for obtaining a reasonable description of the electric quadrupole moments and enhance the Coulomb form factors, but has no effect on the dipole magnetic moments but squeezes the magnetic form factors. Th e magnetic static and dynamic properties can be described by free g factors for the model space nucleons without introducing core polarization eff ect, on the contrary to the electric static and dynamic properties, which cannot be described properly by the model space nucleons without taking into account core-polarization eff ects.
Nicolae A Enaki
Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova
Title: Generation and coherent proprieties of entangled bi-modal field and its application

From 1981 to 1985 Nicolae A. Enaki was the post-graduate student of the radio-physics department, Physics Faculty of Lomonosov State University from Moscow. Here he was focused on the subject of PhD dissertation “Quantum Statistics of superradiance in an extended system of radiators”. After that N Enachi continues the studies of the quantum statistical properties of radiation in “Single- and two-photon cooperative processes in optics” (the theme of Dr. Habilitatus dissertation, 1993). Scientifi c advisor of Quantum Optics and Kinetic Process Lab in Institute of Applied Physics, Chishinau, R. Moldova. As a professor in physics, his lessons are reflected in the monograph ”Nonlinear Cooperative effects in open quantum systems: entanglement and second-order coherence”, published in Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA, 2015, 325 pp, which of course refl ects his research Interests. At this moment he is scientifi c advisor of two international grants: NATO SPS and STCU.
It is investigated the application of coherent emission of two subgroups of quanta obtained in the cooperative decay of excited enable of radiator (nuclei, atoms or molecules) mixture, so that correlation appears between the blocks of quanta belonging to diff erent modes of the electromagnetic field. It is proposed the new eff ect, in which the two-quantum cooperative emission is established between the two sub-ensemble of excited radiators (see Fig. 1 A and B). Th e equidistant two-level sub-ensemble, excited relative the dipole forbidden transition, can be ignited in two-quantum super radiance regime by single-photon decay process of dipole active species of radiators. We chose the situation in which the one-photon Dicke cooperative emission is inhibited by large emission band of the dipole active sub-ensemble. In this situation the new three particle exchange integrals between the dipole forbidden and dipole active sub-ensembles drastically increases. So the cooperative emission of the dipoleforbidden sub-ensemble of atoms stimulates the two-quantum emission of dipole-active species of radiators. This cooperative process between the dipole-forbidden radiators and dipole-active sub-ensemble is accompanied by the establishment of the coherence between the photon pairs. The multi-mode broadband light can be reduced to the coherent states of the bimodal ensemble of the electromagnetic fi eld. Th e method of recording of information from such a coherent fi eld opens the new perspectives in stimulation gamma emission, quantum cryptography and quantum information. At the first glance, one observes that such coherent effects may have nothing new in comparison with the traditional one- photon coherence. But the two-quantum coherent beam may be destroyed or restored if the photon-pair pulses pass through a disperse medium. So the ”idler” photons from each pair change their directions relative to ”signal” photons. Focusing the ”signal” and ”idler” photons into diff erent optical fi bers, we can destroy the coherence among the bi-photons. However, aft er a certain propagation distance, the ”idler” and ”signal” photons from the pairs may be mixed again and we may observe, that the restoration of coherence propriety of the bimodal fi eld.
Azamat Khokonov
Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Russia
Title: Liquid drop model of nuclei with account of viscosity

Azamat Khokonov is working as a professor of physics and the head of the laboratory of subatomic and computational physics at KBSU. He was awarded with Honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Engineering of Russian Federation (April, 2011).
In present the interest to nuclear matter hydrodynamics increases. Liquid drop model (LDM) successfully being used for semi-empirical formulation of surface and Coulomb terms in Bethe-Weizsacker mass formula. In this study in the frame of nuclear liquid drop model an analytical solution for the frequency of capillary oscillations is obtained with taking into account the damping due to viscosity and surrounding medium motion and polarizability. The normal coordinates for the drop capillary oscillations are coeffi cients al in expansion for drop surface radius over the Legendre polynomials where μ=cosθ, θ is the polar angle shown in Fig. The result for square of capillary oscillation frequency looking is as follows where a is nucleus radius, ρ1, η1 are the nuclear core matter density and viscosity, ρ2, η2 are the density and viscosity of surrounding area, ε1 and ε2 electrical permittivities of the inner and outer core medium, respectively. Comparison of octupole and quadrupole vibrations for empty exterior gives where, The model with empty exterior has been applied for estimation of even-even spherical nuclei surface tension and viscosity. On the base of experimental data, it has been shown that energy shift of capillary oscillations of even-even spherical nuclei due to viscous dissipation gives viscosities in the interval 4.2−7.6 MeV fm−2 c−1 for nuclei from Pd–106 to Hg–198. For non-zero temperatures the ratio of shear viscosity η to entropy density s is estimated and compared with the limit motivated by
AdS/CFT for quark–gluon plasma.