Gregory Lapicki
East Carolina University, USA
Gregory Lapicki has completed his PhD from New York University and continued with Postdoctoral studies for two years in the Radiation and Solid Laboratory at NYU. He has worked at Centro Atómico, Bariloche, Argentina on the Fulbright Award. In 2013-2017, he has served on the International Advisory Committee for Particle Induced X-ray (PIXE) Conferences and presented opening invited talks at five of these conferences. In 2017, he was elected to the International Honorary Committee for PIXE. He has presented invited talks at the International Symposium on ion-atom collisions and the conference on applications of accelerators in research and industry, for which in 2017 he served as an atomic and molecular physics topic Editor. He has published almost 200 refereed papers in journals such Physical Review A, Nuclear and Instruments and Methods in Research B, Journal of Physics B, Journal of Physics and Chemistry Data, X-Ray Spectrometry, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, with a link to one of the most recent publications in atomic and nuclear data tables.