Nobuo Nishimiya
Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan
Title: Zeeman spectra of Ti I in a facing target sputtering system
Biography: Nobuo Nishimiya
Absorption spectroscopy is useful for plasma diagnostics. Several functional films were fabricated using a facing target sputtering (FTS) system. During the sputtering process using the FTS system, high-energy ionized particles are confined by a magnetic field. However, the absorption lines of a species are split into the Zeeman components. The Lande gJ factor is very important for determination of the nature of atoms in a magnetic field. The saturated absorption lines of neutral Ti were measured in the region of 9950–14380 cm-1 by using a Ti: sapphire ring laser. The FTS system was used to obtain the gaseous state of a neutral Ti atom in this experiment. The Zeeman splitting of 38 transitions of 46, 47, 48, 49, 50Ti species was observed. For 48Ti species, the difference between the gJ factors of the odd and even parity states was obtained from the Zeeman splitting under the condition that the electric field component of a linearly polarized laser beam was parallel to the magnetic field. The gJ factors of the odd parity states were determined for 28 energy levels belonging to 3d24s4p and 3d34p by using those of the even parity states reported by E Stachowska in 1997. The gJ factors of z5P1, 2, 3 levels were determined for the first time. gJ of y3F2, y3D2, z3P2, and z5S2 levels in the region of 25000–25600 cm-1 were refined. In addition, for the odd mass isotopes of 47, 49Ti of b3FJ -y3DJ-1, the intermediate field approximated by calculation of the Zeeman effects in the hyperfine structure was used.