Nicolae A Enaki
Institute of Applied Physics of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova
Title: Cooperative radiation between blocks of three radiators through single- and two-photon mutual interactions
Biography: Nicolae A Enaki
The three particle cooperative emission consisted from two dipole-active and one dipole-forbidden sub-system of radiators is proposed in the process of interaction through the vacuum or thermal field. It is demonstrate that in such three radiator interaction the collective decay rate becomes proportional to the product of the numbers of radiators in each subsystem: N1 N2 N3. The proposed quantum kinetics takes into consideration single and two photon cooperative exchanges between dipole active and dipole forbidden subsystems of radiators (nuclei, atoms, molecules). The three particle cooperative interaction through the thermal bath and vacuum field takes place during the mutual influences of the single- and two-photon popularization between the pairs of dipole active atoms with the popularization of the dipole forbidden radiator of another ensemble. To describe this effect it is introduced the new correlation functions between the popularization of three radiators belonging to inverted systems of dipole active and dipole forbidden subsystems. The main difference between the Dicke super-fluorescence and new collective effect consists in the establishment of cooperative effect between one dipole-forbidden radiator in two-quantum exchanges with two dipole active radiators. After that the theory is extended to the ensemble of N such three-particle blokes. The cooperative decay rate becomes proportional to the cube of such radiators, N3.